AS a highly empathic person with deep curiosity for human beings I’ve thrown myself into understanding the experiences that make up the fabric of our humanity.

From the moment I learned there was a job that involved understanding people I knew that was what I was born to do. As I dove into my psychological studies I felt intuitively that there was more to healing than talking and began exploring meditation and yoga. Through breath and movement, I slowly felt my body stop vibrating and through therapy I learned boundaries and what it felt like to be vulnerable and accepted. I now know the part of me that was intuitively seeking to understand as a way of regulating the flood of energy and emotion I couldn’t help but feel from everyone around me. 

I had to learn to ground in my body and learn to read the sensations, teasing apart what was mine from what belonged to those around me, allowed me access to my deep intuitive sense.

It became my dream to create a nurturing, brave, and inclusive space where I could help others heal through teaching them to live in their bodies and embrace authenticity. A place where it is the norm to explore the vulnerable corners of ourselves, have difficult conversations, and engage others and ourselves from a place of deep curiosity and compassion; celebrating our differences and our shared humanity.

I use this intuition to guide me in leading my businesses and I bring these decades of experience in mental health and embodied practice to the work I do with other leaders, teaching them to become embodied and connect to their intuition and power in ethical ways.


Jen speaks at workshops, classes, conferences, podcasts, and panels on a number of topics related to leadership, embodied practices, and holistic wellness.

Interested in learning more about booking Jen?


  • Embodied + Authentic Leadership

  • Ethical + Values Driven Leadership

  • Intuition + Self-Trust

  • Holistic Wellness

  • Burnout + More!


Dr. Jennifer Schroeder, PsyD, RYT, is a licensed clinical psychologist + certified IFS therapist + trained yoga therapist. 

Jen’s expertise in addressing attachment trauma through embodied practices and Internal Family Systems (IFS) is rooted in her extensive formal education, training, and experience which began when she received her BA in psychology from the University of Minnesota. 

During that time, she took an interest in holistic healing which led her to pursue studies through the Center for Spirituality and Healing where she began her personal journey of healing. Through the teachings of yoga, meditation, psychotherapy, and somatic healing practices, she helped repair her nervous system and begin living a more embodied life. It’s there that her dream of building a holistic wellness center was born.

She received her Psy.D from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in 2011, and while on internship at the University of Michigan, completed her yoga teacher training and yoga therapy certifications through Reconnect With Food. Jen began practicing Internal Family Systems in 2011. She has completed her level 2 training and is currently in process of becoming a Certified IFS Practitioner.  

In 2016 she founded her Chicago-based practice, INPOWERED THERAPY on the belief that becoming safely grounded in our bodies leads to deepening self-awareness, compassion, and connection, and this work is at the root of healing within ourselves and our communities. 

Jen rooted her practice in her deep understanding that holistic healing can be achieved in a multitude of ways. That’s why she designed the center to provide a comprehensive suite of support that expands beyond the parameters of traditional therapy to include therapeutic yoga, somatic movement classes, community connection, educational programming, and retreats. 

Her work is centered on creating brave and inclusive spaces where it is the norm to explore the vulnerable corners of ourselves, seek out our unconscious biases, have difficult conversations, and engage ourselves and others from a place of deep curiosity and compassion.

She cultivates each experience to allow participants to tap into their capacity to heal and live an embodied, brave, and connected life. This commitment to guiding individuals and communities to achieve healing and their natural state of wholeness has allowed her practice to fully evolve into her vision of building her own wellness center. 

As the owner and Clinical Director of INPOWERED THERAPY + YOGA: a holistic psychotherapy and wellness center, she now also provides training and advanced supervision in integrated healing to all of her clinicians while continuing to personally offer group and private classes, coaching, retreats, and intensives.

Outside of INPOWERED, Jen is busy parenting her 6 year old twins, serving on the board of directors for 2nd Story, and seeking every opportunity to spend time in nature.

Dr. Jen Schroeder, licensed clinical psychologist, trained yoga therapist, professional speaker, consultant, and coach on holistic mental health and leadership..


“Jen has a gift for pinpointing growth edges, I didn’t even know I had, in a compassionate way that feels spot on and invites me to grow”

-Coaching Client

“You challenge me to be a better more compassionate person and leader”

-Coaching Client

“I deeply appreciate you creating this space for healing”

- Retreat Participant

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly!